
Thursday, 19 May 2016


Today we had Kiwi-Sports with a laddy called Anne.
Well we were on the courts Anne told us what we were doing today and what games we were gonna play.The first thing Anne done is told us to get a partner and stand in front of each-other.My partner was Alfred,we ran to each-other and hi five'd each-other,after the hi five we pivoted back with out right foot than ran back.

After that game we got into long lines going up and down the courts,we got into groups of 7 or 8,we had to pas down and up.When we finished that game we had a game of Rugby-Netball,it was non bibs vs bibs,the winners of that game was the one's with bibs,the points were 10 to 7,after that game of Rugby-Netball we walked back to class caws it was finished.


Amy Tofa said...

Hi Justin, I like the description of the activities you did at the netball session. Also like the use of technical words in the game of netball. What did you enjoy about the netball session?

Levi R said...

Nice and short, My type of recount ;) Though you did have a few spelling mistakes. Nice one.

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